“We rise by transforming lives.”

 Today’s preparation is tomorrow’s achievements .

Our Motto is; Forward Ever Backward Never.


Mwangaza-Bidii Project is a broad network of voluntary Community Based Organization (C.B.O) and in addition, has a unique professional credibility concerning key development topics whereby their main objectives is for Empowering and Improving the lives of the underserved and less fortune in Githurai community, Kenya, East Africa. Moreover, its members participate in numerous operations concerning humanistic, social, cultural activities and more.

Our foundation was founded and established on a Strong Spirit of Volunteerism and it implements on long-term development programs.

Our programs focuses on social responsible investment strategy where we seek to consider about social change to bring about a social good in the area access to critical human needs i.e., education, clean water, food, shelter, disaster response, conquering homelessness and other essential prerequisites to self-sufficiency.

We are primarily active and engaged in the area below;

  • Economic Empowerment Program.
  • Environmental conservation/Agriculture/Farming.
  • Sports.
  • Opportunities for disabled persons.
  • Work with orphaned and Vulnerable Children (O.V.C’s) /education and other basic needs.

    In addition, member organization is all dedicated to solving the complex, inter-related challenges in the Community. Our members realize that, as effective as they each are on their own, they can be even more powerful when they approach society issues as a group.

    While it is in order to champion empowerment, we work at the grassroots level to improve the community through breaking the cycle of poverty, thus empowering people to build a better future for the children, youth, women and families.

    The platform’s efforts is overseen and governed by an independent board of respected community leaders and managed by its founder through a leadership team drawn from professional disciplines and who have unwavering reputation among the community at large.

    With long presence in and close collaboration with marginalized people, M.B.P. has dependable and trusted methods of reducing suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty within Githurai village/ward, Ruiru constituency, Kiambu county in Kenya, East Africa.

    Our program targets all gender in the community therefore empowering under-served children, youth, women, men and families in equal measure for the greater good of the community.

    Thus, our main objective is to improve economic household security as an absolute priority for those living on the margins of survival and more resilient and better placed to cope with when the worst happens/occurs.

    In other words, the programs are sustainable because all funds are well administered and are the drive engine of the project.

    The programs for which we are requesting funding primarily serve the underserved;

    In other words, we target an audience of >65% or more economically underserved relative to the average standards of the target geographical area.

    The support and the funds we seek will increase our base reserves and will enable our programs to participate in the workforce thus sustaining and creating an enabling environment.

    Together, our members with our partners on the ground touch aspects of priority issues so as to meet and achieve our goals.

    We want to Make an Impact in the Community Through Charity Work, Strengthen the Economy and Improve the Quality of Lives as well.

    The platform’s aims and roles are;

    • To improve M.B.P’s contribution to development cooperation by promoting the exchange experiences, ideas and information’s amongst its members between networks of M.B.P’s organization.
    • To influence policy making in the area of development cooperation.
    • To raise public awareness about issues related to development assistance.
    • It is the contact point for the coordination of policy initiatives and recommendations.
    • It represents the common interests of its member organization and provides services for other interested actors in the areas related to M.B.P’s development cooperation and policies.
    • To provide a forum for consultation and cooperation between its members and helps they speak with one voice on development issues.
    • To implement and oversee the working of the projects.


    “We are passionate about creating change in the world. We  believe that this generation is the generation that will end extreme poverty and thus we want to dedicate this work.”