“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a life time.”

  Strength in Unity and Investment:

Our Vision:

To see a day when the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized families have life and have it in abundance.

Our Mission:

To see life’s in abundance exists to mobilize the less fortunate, renew hope and inspire lasting transformation for the world’s most vulnerable people.

Our Goal:

To promote the socio-economic transformation of the poor for meaningful participation in the economy.

Business Development Support/Business Development Programs.

What we do:

High unemployment rate and lack of sustainable income generating activities leaves the majority of the population in sub-Saharan Africa living below the poverty line. Therefore, they deserve to earn a sustainable income to support themselves and their dependants too.

A major obstacle to realizing this noble dream is lack of access to credit facilities that will enable them set up small businesses, access to finance where to provide start-up capital, boosting amounts to/and become financially self-sufficient.

It is quite clear that financial institutions in the country cannot consider advancing loans to start-up entrepreneurship activities and only advance loans to established (big) businesses and at a very high interest rates. Similarly, they require collateral for all loans they advance which basically locks out a huge percentage of the society as most members do not have such collateral or cannot afford such high interest rates.

Therefore, a larger percentage of the population remains under served and in perennial poverty as they do not have access to funds. Contrary to belief, many under-served are very hard working, able bodied and entrepreneurial but are limited by lack of funds and therefore continue to wallow in poverty.

To this end, we established (a revolving fund cycle) which consisted/consists of youths and women known as Mwangaza-Bidii Community Based Group.

(Mwangaza-Bidii are Kiswahili (Africa-an) words which means Light and Effort respectively).

But due to economic hardships, currently only some member’s runs small income generating activities whose proceeds go towards catering for their basic needs such as medical care, education, shelter and nutrition.

The economic development activities are mainly;

  • Small businesses i.e., Retail shops, Green groceries, Cereal shops etc.
  • Farming/Agriculture i.e., Organic/Inorganic farming, Horticultural, Daily/Mixed/Arable farming and Green house(s).
  • Poultry keeping
  • Fish farming
  • Bee keeping



                                          These are some of our Economic Activities.


Target for Empowerment:

The program targets all those indigenous Community Members who at the moment face one or more constraints to the realization of their full potential to participate and to excel in business ventures.

They may want to participate in a micro, small, medium or large-scale business venture, but are facing various constraints, or may already be operating businesses and they want to expand. The development of enterprises, their growth and survival is a key to empowering the community on a sustainable basis.

Hence, our program aims at empowering our members to start or boost their small businesses in order to have a livelihood and acquire some income.

It is also intended to reach out to the under served in the community by assisting them pool resources/funds which are then used to fund entrepreneurial projects by the individual members. The funds are acquired from member contributions, from interest earnings et al and therefore the project has a sustainable lending capacity to its members especially once the pool has sustainable funds to meet every member’s needs, then the revolving fund shall achieve self-sustainability and in effect the project.

Our Community Based Group coordinates the sourcing and recruitment of such members and assist them collate funds e.g., as little as 1 US dollar per week and then saved through our bank account. These pooled resources are then used to advance loans to group members to start incoming generating activities and boost existing businesses as well.

The program has a high affinity for scale due to the terms i.e., low interest rate loaning, unsecured loaning, flexible and comfortable repayment schedules etc. The loans are advanced at low interest rates and at flexible terms and periods in order to enable members’ requisite repayments options and thus has the potential to attract as many under-served members of the community as possible. More so, every member is entitled to participate and to contribute in the community in either ways i.e., clean up exercises, tree planting, visiting the sick/elderly etc.

The project can mobilize as many members as possible to be benefactors of the project. With our coordination and assistance, there is no limit to the number of members that can be recruited provided they contribute to the pool and they use the funds to start-up/boost their businesses.

Similarly in this case, one will not be required a collateral for all loans to advance and will not basically lock out any member of the society as most members do not have such collateral or cannot afford such high interest rates.

We then train and assist members in setting up the businesses vie entrepreneurship workshops, through our meet ups and also how to market their products, manage their businesses, manage finance and expansion opportunities. Our aim is to acquire a base lending fund pool that is able to advance such monies to the members.

Hence, the under-served are able to start businesses or inject funds to their struggling businesses in order to achieve expansion and in effect create a source of livelihood for the under-served members, create employment opportunities to other community members and be self-reliable and eventually there shall be increased per capital income, increased job opportunities and overall improved social welfare.

Thus, through well-wishers support, we will be in a well position uplifting the lives in the community.



“We want to encourage people to be economically self-reliant and foster economic development as well.”